Say Hello.

Centennial, CO 80121

Sundog Solar is different.

We provide top-quality, affordable solar, built to last generations.

It’s a common concern when exploring solar: can your company really promise that you will repair any solar panels that fail during your 25-year warranty?

That’s why we back our 25-year warranty with national insurers, and when your warranty ends, we replace your system for half the original cost.

No other company does this!

We started Sundog because of this graph.

The cost of installing Solar & Battery Systems in the United States has fallen nearly 300% in the last decade.

So we set out with a dream: provide our Colorado neighbors with quality Solar & Battery systems at affordable prices. Very few things in the US are more affordable today than they were in 2010; at Sundog Solar Installers, we’re proud to be offering affordable, quality, Colorado-Generated Power!

The Sundog Team

Every successful installation requires a dedicated team of experts. At Sundog Solar, you'll find a group of passionate professionals with decades of experience, committed to solar and whole-house battery solutions. As a family-owned business, we’re dedicated to our Coloradan neighbors.